Market Engagement - HMPPS Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG)

75231200: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Market Engagement - HMPPS Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG)

His Majesty's Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) is establishing the Government's vision to deliver an impartial and high-quality Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) Service that will support prisoners to engage with the right learning, development and employment pathways in prison to achieve their aspirations upon release. We will therefore be seeking to procure new contracts to deliver CIAG services in HMPPS adult prisons across England (including several privately managed prisons). Our vision is that everyone of working age and able to work should leave prison prepared for employment or further education and training. The new CIAG service will support prisoners from induction to release to identify career aspirations, set education, skills and work-related goals, and support prisoners towards outcomes on release. This will ultimately contribute to reducing reoffending. To achieve this vision, we are seeking to procure new CIAG contracts by engaging with a diverse range of suppliers that can offer prisoners a high quality and impartial CIAG service. It should be noted that the new Careers Information, Advice and Guidance contracts shall replace the current CIAG services commissioned via the Prison Education Dynamic Purchasing System (PEDPS). In issuing this Prior Information Notice, the MoJ is seeking to inform the market of this planned procurement. The MoJ intends to hold a market engagement event on 19th July 2023 from 10am to 11am via MS Teams webinar. To register your interest for the event, please register on Jaggaer as follows: 1) Creating an account or logging into the MoJ eSourcing portal at: 2) Within the portal users can navigate using the left side menu, selecting 'PQQs Open to All Suppliers' or 'My PQQ's' if already registered and then selecting 'PQQ_355 - Engagement Opportunity: HMPPS Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG)'. 3) Users can express an interest by clicking 'Express interest'. The attachments area of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) contains an invitation registration to the Market Engagement Launch Event. The closing date to register is 18/07/2023 For the avoidance of doubt, there is no requirement to complete and submit a questionnaire, or any other information. The only requirement at this stage is to register your interest (if you are interested) following steps 1 to 3 above. This notice relates to an engagement opportunity and is not a call for competition or an invitation to take part in a pre-qualification process. Enquiries relating to the exercise should be directed to For technical assistance with the MoJ eSourcing Portal please contact the central support team using the details provided on the portal homepage

Ministry of Justice
Date Published
75231200: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals
£68.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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