44211000: Prefabricated buildings
Detailed information about the contract
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This opportunity has been listed on behalf of LHC Procurement Group and our regional businesses: Consortium Procurement Construction (CPC) London and South East (LSE) Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) South-West Procurement Alliance (SWPA) Welsh Procurement Alliance (WPA) LHC Procurement Group is currently planning a re-procurement of our modular buildings framework and is seeking expressions of interest from suitable organisations to enable LHC PG to enter into discussions and gather feedback from the market about our plans from the upcoming procurement as part of our early market engagement activities. The scope of the re-procurement will be to replace our popular modular buildings framework and will be for the provision of modular buildings for the public sector for use by Education, Healthcare, offices and community buildings including emergency services. The new framework will encompass a full turnkey solution i.e. design, supply, install, and commission of both permanent and temporary modular buildings. LHC intend to carry out further engagement webinars with interested parties in due course to discuss our initial proposals, timescales for the tender and gain feedback before finalising the framework and issuing the tender. To register an interest in the upcoming framework tender, and to receive further information on the webinar and how to book onto a session please express an interest in the project via our eTendering portal using the link as follows: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/lhc/aspx/ProjectManage/36 Please note you will need to have a registered account on our portal and be logged in to be able to express an interest. Once you have identified the project on the portal you wish to express an interest in, click 'View Details' and then click 'Express Interest'.
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