73110000: Research services
Detailed information about the contract
or register for a free account
The NDA will fund a Research Hub,
which will be either a single university or
small consortium of universities, to
undertake ~4 new PhD projects each
year for 5 years, with continuous support
from ~2 full time Postdoctoral
researchers and 0.5FTE of an academic
post. Support will be provided until the
completion of all PhD projects. The
research scopes will be defined with the
help of subject matter experts from the
NDA Group and these same Subject
matter Experts will provide in-kind
support throughout with a view to
utilising the output of the Research Hub
in NDA Group programmes.
The contract will be based on NDA's
anticipated funding of circa £1M per
annum (To be confirmed: £5-6M in total)
The NDA shall host an engagement
event on 24th July 2024 1 0am -
To register your attendance
please email: ambar.saeed@nda.gov.uk
for this requirement. Please type in the
header "C19784 Research Hub". This
supplier event will be carried out via a
Microsoft teams conference, and a link
will be shared prior to the proposed
date. The NDA would like a maximum of
2 members of staff per supplier.
or register for a free account