85000000: Health and social work services
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The NHS response to the COVID-19 pandemic has required urgent action and commitment from providers and suppliers including primary care, secondary care, community health services and other groups, to run vaccine deployment sites and administer COVID-19 vaccines in a safe and effective way. With the changing nature of the clinical and policy response required by new strains emerging, surges of activity and new vaccines becoming available, the vaccine deployment strategy has been developmental and has required the Authority to react to circumstance to ensure vaccines could be administered as effectively as possible. As more is now known about COVID-19 the Authority is now able to look towards the future and the development of a stable and effective strategy for COVID-19 vaccine deployment and wider immunisation programmes.
One of the requirements of the Authority is to ensure stability and continuity in the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine and respond to any requirements, including new JCVI recommendations.
In designing the future strategy the Authority recognises the need to hear from a wide range of stakeholders, which will help in determining the right provider mix and / or deployment model for the future of the COVID-19 vaccination programme and support the development of an integrated strategy for all NHS immunisation programmes. To this end the Authority is taking a staged approach:
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