72212000: Programming services of application software
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The NHS Health Check programme aims to prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease, and some cases of dementia among adults aged 40-74 years. The Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) is looking to develop a digital version of the NHS Health Check that will give users more choice about where and when to have a check and empower people to take action to improve their health independently. It will enable people to self-check at home, only directing people to primary care where further clinical assessment and treatment is required.
The check, which will be available via mobile phone, tablet and computer, will ask patients questions about, for example, how active they are, collect measurements of height, weight and blood pressure, which people can record at home or in a range of convenient locations in the community, and take a home cholesterol test.
The results from the assessment will be fed back online with personalised advice on what action can be taken to reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. It will provide a direct referral to services such as stop smoking and weight management where appropriate and a referral to their GP practice for further tests and treatment as needed. The results from the assessment will be added to the electronic patient record so can be viewed by health professionals involved in the patient’s care and will alert the NHS if urgent action needs to be taken following the assessment. The digital check will be delivered alongside the current in-person service and is not a replacement for the face-to-face offer.
The roll out will take place from Spring 2024 and over the course of 4 years we will deliver at least one million digital checks. People who do the check will understand their risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease and be able to take action to reduce their risk.
We are undertaking market engagement to understand if there are existing products in the marketplace that can deliver the minimum requirements to support a roll out of a digital product by Spring 2024.
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