79000000: Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
Detailed information about the contract
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The Prior Information Notice (“PIN”) is not a call to competition. The purpose of this PIN is to invite potential suppliers to participate in a market testing exercise to assist Homes England in the design of the future service and our requirements. This market testing exercise consists of an an Information Document "DN560749 - Soft Market testing - Draft Spec.docx" which includes a questionnaire to be completed by potential suppliers. Further information can be accessed via Home England’s e-Tendering system. Those wishing to download and return a questionnaire for this opportunity must register their expression of interest and submit their response through our e-Tendering system. If not already registered, interested parties should register at https://procontract.due-orth.com/Login Responses are required by the deadline of Midday 18/08/2021
or register for a free account