71311200: Transport systems consultancy services
Detailed information about the contract
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Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) is looking to establish a framework of suppliers to provide its transport and wider-related consultancy services. The framework will be called transport professional services and will be awarded via an open procurement procedure. This prior information notice (PIN) gives advance notice to the provider market, that the formal tender procurement process is anticipated to commence between July/August 2024 and will be formally advertised via a separate Contracts Notice which will give further detail and next steps in the process. This framework is being procured by TfGM. It is intended for use by TfGM and external organisations who will be identified in the upcoming Contracts Notice. The estimated total value is not guaranteed spend. The CPV codes stated in this PIN notice will be updated and confirmed in the upcoming Contracts Notice. There is no need to reply to this PIN.
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