Provision of Interactive Labour Market Intelligence Analysis Tools
79300000: Market and economic research; polling and statistics
Contract details
Detailed information about the contract
- Id
- C128/2021/2022
- Title
- Provision of Interactive Labour Market Intelligence Analysis Tools
- Description
This contract will be to provide a tool that enables Welsh Government and its partners to make more informed decisions,
particularly in relation to skills required now and in future in the labour market.
Specifically, the tools should:
- Provide a breakdown of regional / local Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) in a way that is accessible and can be manipulated
by users to meet their specific needs allowing them to produce tailored outputs, including future projections. This should add
value to the existing regional / local LMI that Welsh Government and other public bodies already publish.
- Make use of data scraping techniques to provide timely information on the skills that employers are demanding (i.e. in job
advertisements) and, potentially, individuals are supplying.
- Buyer
- Welsh Government
- Date Published
- Unknown
- Status
- Planned
- Classification
- 79300000: Market and economic research; polling and statistics
- Value
- £600.0K GBP
- Procurement Method
- ""
- Procurement Method Details
- Unknown
- Tender Deadline
- Unknown
- Contract Start Date
- 2025-01-23
- Contract End Date
- 2025-01-23
- Suitable For Sme
- false
- Suitable For Vcse
- false
- Documents
- No documents found.