79710000: Security services
Detailed information about the contract
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The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) are preparing to initiate a procurement process for the future provision of services for Electronic Monitoring (EM) across England and Wales. To note some provision requires limited services in Northern Ireland and Scotland as appropriate.
EM services are currently used to facilitate the curfew of a subject, the majority given either a Community Order, Court Bail Order or released on licence (collectively referred to as ‘Orders’). The execution of electronic monitoring and related services are governed by the provisions of the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000, the Power of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000, the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008.
The future EM service will be delivered under two distinct contracts:
Monitoring Device Systems Service (MDSS) - A service delivered under one national contract for all monitoring devices and supporting systems.
Field and Monitoring Service (FMS) - A service delivered under one national contract for field and monitoring services. The MoJ will run two distinct and separate procurements for MDSS and FMS with each procurement resulting in the award of a single national contract.
This PIN relates to MDSS only.
MDSS includes packaging various monitoring device related functions together, which will include:
the provision of all monitoring devices (location monitoring, radio frequency, alcohol monitoring and non-fitted devices) based on demand; and
the systems and functions underpinning the delivery of the devices, including mobile network provision.
specific capabilities namely:
device configuration and repair
device failure root cause identification
device installation and configuration training and
investigating device tampering.
Further details on MDSS and how to respond to this PIN are provided in the additional information section.
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