90700000: Environmental services
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To achieve The Great Grid Upgrade - the largest overhaul of the electricity grid in generations, in support of the UK's switch to clean energy - National Grid Electricity Transmission "NGET" has set ambitious environmental targets to ensure these works are done so sustainably. One such target is to reach net zero by the year 2050, with interim goals such as reaching carbon neutral construction activities by the year 2026. NGET is taking a multi-disciplinary and innovative approach to lowering emissions across our portfolio of assets and activities. One such technique is using carbon compensatory measures to aid the offsetting of residual emissions. NGET is seeking to partner with organisations/projects that specialise in carbon reduction and/or removal schemes that deliver co-benefits for places and lives around them. These organisations must demonstrate integrity and accountability in managing schemes that deliver reliable carbon offsetting services. Through these collaborative partnerships, NGET will compensate for the residual emissions that cannot be mitigated in the short term. These works will involve working across multiple organisations, and through differing scheme types. Within the current regulatory period (T2) Environmental Action Plan, NGET also has a commitment to deliver 10% Net Gain in Environmental Value (Including Biodiversity) on all construction schemes - The Biodiversity element of this commitment (BNG) became mandatory in Feb 2024 for all construction schemes under the Town & Country Planning Act, and to meet these requirements NGET will require the procurement of formal offsite BNG units from registered providers. In addition, to support delivery of non-mandatory net gain commitments, we want to establish a framework of organisations that can deliver nature-based solutions, biodiversity enhancements (including marine environments), and wider climate, biodiversity, and community outcomes.
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