85000000: Health and social work services
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Options for design, construction, provision, and operation of accommodation-based services for Extra Care. Leicestershire County Council seeks input from the market as to what might be the most potentially attractive way of packaging and scoping a future procurement opportunity. Please note, this is not a call for competition. Leicestershire County Council has concerns that the volume and balance of Extra Care Housing provision within the County does not provide best value or is robust enough to cope with a rapidly changing demographic over coming decades. It is open minded about the future models of partnership to secure the required volume of Extra Care Housing in the years ahead. This exercise will provide an opportunity for the Council to obtain insight into how potential providers might approach the delivery of the supply and services in question. A questionnaire has been prepared to gather views from the market and interested parties. Completed questionnaires should be received no later than 12:00 noon on Thursday 2nd September 2021 and should be returned to the Council using the EastMidsTenders electronic tendering system.
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