WaveMakers International

65100000: Water distribution and related services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

WaveMakers International

SEVERN TRENT WATER LIMITED This not a call for competition - Any questions please email, OpenInnovation@severntrent.co.uk.

  1. Introduction & Background 1.1 Severn Trent Water Company Profile Severn Trent Water Ltd (Severn Trent) serves over eight million people in the heart of the UK, supplying nearly two billion litres of drinking water a day to the highest standards in Europe. Severn Trent take away used water and treats it at over 1,000 sewage works and put it safely back into rivers and streams. Severn Trent operates in an area of more than 21,000 square kilometres, stretching from the Bristol Channel to the Humber estuary and along the Welsh boarder to the East Midlands. This area takes in the basins of the rivers Severn and Trent, from which the company derives its name, and includes Birmingham and ten other major industrial cities. For further information on Severn Trent and Procurement including detail of the company structure and area of operation please visit our web site: https://sit.aem.severntrent.com/innovation/zero-spills-hub/
    1.2 Wavemakers International The Water Industry is under unprecedented challenge from customers to eliminate storm overflows ('spills'). A significant proportion of the wastewater network has combined sewers where sewage mixes with stormwater "run-off" from surfaces onto which rain has fallen. The significant increase in rainfall due to climate change, along with increased impermeable areas due to population growth has increased the volume of rainwater entering sewers beyond original design parameters.
    Severn Trent and our partners believe that we should aim to go beyond our obligations and that the application of a "zero spills" mindset is key to this. This is the mindset that, to truly get to zero spills, there is no one single solution as every catchment is different and it will require a combination of ideas and solutions. The purpose of this Prior Information Notice is to uncover innovative solutions that collectively lead to zero spills in stormwater management.
    Participants in the market engagement exercise will be invited to address the following key areas: Support Optimisation Explore innovative approaches, with a focus on AI and Smart Control, to enhance efficiency and optimise to prevent spills across both waste networks and waste treatment facilities. How can low-cost sensor solutions enhance stormwater management and prevent spills in wastewater networks? Enable Separation Propose solutions for effective separation of different waste streams. Consider surface water separation, rainwater harvesting and other methods to minimise harm to the environment.
    How does rainwater harvesting help overcome surface water management challenges and offer a sustainable solution for non-potable water usage? Treatment Enhancement Develop novel treatments for wastewater, whether at the treatment works to allow more flow to pass through or within the network. How can we enhance the effectiveness of existing treatment processes or introduce novel solutions within the network to prevent storm overflows? Smart Storage and Flushing Solutions Design intelligent storage systems for wastewater and rainwater, considering both short-term and long-term needs. Include considerations into how these storage solutions can be integrated into wider network optimisation. How can we develop smart storage solutions, including temporary and intelligent sewer flushing in the network, to increase capacity at treatment works and allow for smoother flow? This is not a Call for Competition. Further information regarding this opportunity will be available in the coming months via Find a Tender and Achillies.
Date Published
65100000: Water distribution and related services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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