45244000: Marine construction works
Detailed information about the contract
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We envisage this will be a contract let in one lot for the design and construction of the items listed in the introduction above. The contractor’s designer will need to submit all aspects of the design for an independent check. Construction aspects will include land remediation, strengthening and surfacing, an over water jetty, rock and sediment dredging, reclamation (with beneficial use of the dredged rock) and either sheet piling and/or a rock revetment to contain the reclaimed area. There will be a new access into the site from an existing road and there will be security gates and fencing surrounding the site. Dredging activity will be included within the works contract. M&E works will include site distribution of 3phase electrical power, water supplies and perimeter lighting. It is expected there will be limited requirements for water supplies to serve temporary offices, together with associated foul sewerage. Surface water drainage will be required to all non-porous areas.
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