The SEND Code of Practice (2015) defines children or young people as having SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which affects their learning compared with others of the same age and requires special educational provision. The Council has a duty to provide short breaks provision for Children and Young People with a disability and their families, as part of the Children and Young Person’s Act (2008) as every local authority “…shall provide services designed to assist individuals who provide care for such children (disabled) to continue to do so, or to do so more effectively, by giving them a break from caring”. Short breaks are integral to a comprehensive approach to supporting disabled children to develop as participating and contributing individuals, included in their communities, with personal social networks.
- Aim and Process
2.1 The provision will provide flexible short break services that enable children and young people to achieve their potential and support for Parent/Carers in their caring role and reduces the occurrence of family breakdown.
2.2 The service will enable children and young people to engage in activities, be part of their community and maximise the support for Parent/Carers by working in collaboration with other services and providers.
2.3 The Service will contribute to achieving the identified outcomes stated in the Service Users EHCP Plan, by working in partnership with the Service User, their Parent/Carers, the DCYPT and other services and stakeholders to achieve these.
2.4 The provider will:
• be flexible and personalised in providing choice and control to children and young people and their Parent/Carers
• support children and young people to develop social networks and independence and prepare for adulthood
• enable children and young people to reach their potential
• involve children and young people in planning and decision-making
• enhance the quality of life of children and young people
• support parents/carers in the care and parenting of their children
• enhance the quality of life for parent/carers as they become more empowered and enabled to have greater choice and control
• provide support that reduces family breakdown