90700000: Environmental services
Detailed information about the contract
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The current UK Bycatch Monitoring Programme (BMP) has been operating for over a decade. The programme investigates bycatch of sensitive marine species using observers onboard fishing vessels, enabling assessment of risk and bycatch rates in UK fisheries. With the repeal and replacement of Regulation (EC) 812/2004 and the UK’s departure from the European Union, we are taking this opportunity to review and update the monitoring programme to ensure a comprehensive approach to support improved understanding of sensitive species bycatch (i.e. dolphins, whales and porpoises; seals; seabirds; turtles; and sharks, skates and rays) within UK waters. The Authority is seeking to make the market aware of the upcoming procurement need and to establish interested parties in bidding for the BMP contract. The Authority would like to expand the current BMP remit to increase monitoring coverage and sampling effort, and to integrate other methods of monitoring. The Authority believes there could be advantages to having many experts and organisations working together on this contract and therefore would consider a consortium approach. The project will be advertised using the Authority’s e-sourcing system (Bravo) under the Open Procedure route.
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