CSR/128 - Civil Service central Apprenticeship Contract

80000000: Education and training services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

CSR/128 - Civil Service central Apprenticeship Contract

On the Monday 1st March 2021, the Apprenticeship Coordination Office (ACO) who sit within the Cabinet Office published a Prior information notice (PIN) Publication reference: 2021/S 000-003994 seeking expressions of interest from certified Apprenticeship training providers who are interested in delivering a range of Apprenticeships across central government. ACO set out in the PIN that we envisaged that the requirement will be divided into 8 Lots, one for a particular Profession area. ACO also was considering expanding on 9 more additional lots based on new Professions areas subject to approval as these total number of Lots may change. All interested providers who expressed an interest in the PIN were invited to attend a Virtual Market Engagement event that was held on Tuesday 30th March 2021 where ACO provided an overview of the proposed Apprenticeship delivery model. Since the event, ACO has been finalising tender documentation based on feedback from the marketplace and agreeing the procurement route to market ACO are now able to provide the following update on the procurement process for CSR/128 - Central Government Apprenticeship Contract. ACO intend to split the new Civil Service Central Apprenticeship procurement into the following 2 phases: Phase 1: Certified Apprenticeship training providers who are appointed on the Crown Commercial Services Apprenticeship Training Dynamic Marketplace DPS will be invited to submit a bid for the apprenticeship standards for the following 8 Professions areas by the week commencing Monday 23 August 2021. Lot 1 Operational Delivery Lot 2 Business Administration Lot 3 HR Lot 4 Finance Lot 5 Commercial Lot 6 Policy Lot 7 Project Management Lot 8 Digital Phase 2: As the following 9 Professions areas and standards are currently still being explored by departments, the earliest that Certified Apprenticeship training providers can bid for these apprenticeship standards listed will be Spring 2022. Lot 9 Communication Lot 10 Property Lot 11 Economist Lot 12 Legal Lot 13 Engineering Lot 14 Transport and logistics Lot 15 Protective services/Health & Safety Lot 16 Environmental Lot 17 Health

Cabinet Office
Date Published
80000000: Education and training services
£63.4M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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