66600000: Treasury services
Detailed information about the contract
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*Please note this is not a call for competition, this is a PIN notice for a BEIS requirement. * The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) wishes to commission work to distribute small grants to households. This work would support an ongoing scheme and would be to reach households across Great Britain which do not have a domestic electricity meter and a direct relationship with an electricity supplier. This would include park homes paying a site owner, properties on a private electricity network, those not connected to the electricity network, etc. In order to achieve this outcome BEIS are looking for a potential delivery partner who would be able to distribute funds to households in line with the policy. We have examined similar schemes such as the Park Homes Warm Home Discount but we would be interested in hearing of other similar approaches. An appropriate delivery partner for this scheme would be suitable to handle public money and distribute it to households who do not have a domestic electricity meter and a direct relationship with an electricity supplier. We expect this to involve the creation of a customer application system in accordance with policy guidelines and to collect proof that the residents meet the eligibility criteria laid out by the policy and to undertake suitable fraud prevention. Once eligible households have been identified the delivery body would need to distribute the funds in an appropriate fashion (BACs, cheques, vouchers, etc) and to monitor and report on the amounts of funds being dispersed, applications received, etc. Given the time constraints of this project as the intention of the grant is to assist with winter bill payments we would prefer to use a business partner through a Crown Commercial Framework, the CCS Grants Framework is a DPS framework and can be onboarded onto.
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