Procurement of Grangemouth Sustainable Manufacturing Campus (GSMC) Private Sector Partner

73000000: Research and development services and related consultancy services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Procurement of Grangemouth Sustainable Manufacturing Campus (GSMC) Private Sector Partner

Falkirk Council wishes to secure a partner(s) who will realise the national opportunity that exists to drive forward innovation - delivering against the area’s Net Zero and Just transition aims. The establishment of the Grangemouth Sustainable Manufacturing Campus (GSMC) is being delivered as a consequence of the catalyst provided by the Falkirk Growth Deal (FGD) and aligns with the Grangemouth Future Industries Board (GFIB) and its development of the Just Transition Vision for the Grangemouth Industrial Cluster. GSMC will house two new co-located research and development (R&D) centres in Grangemouth. The centres are:

  • Bioeconomy Accelerator Pilot Plant (BAPP): a project to provide a focal point of existing and developing knowledge in modern industrial biotechnology; to create further industrial biotechnology opportunities through collaborations between industry, academia, and government stakeholders; and to support industrial decarbonisation efforts within Scotland and the UK, while offering knowledge transfer expertise to an international client base.
  • Carbon Dioxide Utilisation (CDU) Centre: a UK centre for advanced carbon dioxide utilisation technology testing to help build CO2 emitters’ confidence on adopting CDU technologies and, break the barriers of CDU technology providers to test and commercialise their technologies faster. Falkirk Council is, therefore, seeking to test the market for a partner organisation, or consortium, to assume responsibility for the full process of development, delivery and ownership of GSMC. Falkirk Council anticipate that this may be via a staged approach including the following steps: 1) Full Business Case development and sign off; 2) Design and delivery of GSMC asset(s); and 3) Operation of GSMC. See attached additional document for further information.
Falkirk Council
Date Published
73000000: Research and development services and related consultancy services
£25.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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