90500000: Refuse and waste related services
Detailed information about the contract
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NHS Shared Business Services Limited (NHS SBS) act in an Agency capacity for and on behalf of its customers (Approved Organisations) - existing and new. These comprise of NHS and Social Care organisations (whether acting individually, or on behalf of, or together as members of any consortia) along with any other public or private sector bodies which NHS SBS authorises to use the resulting Framework/Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).
NHS Shared Business Services intends to put in place a Framework Agreement for the provision of Waste Management and Minimisation Services and Supplies for Healthcare to be used by NHS SBS Approved Organisations. Including the following specialised waste management lots:
Lot 1 - Recycling and Waste Consultancy
Lot 2 - Sustainable Asset Management/Waste Re- purposing Solutions and Technologies
Lot 3.1 - Clinical Healthcare Waste to include (but is not exclusive to) clinical waste, offensive (hygiene) waste, pharmaceutical waste (including cytotoxic and cytostatic medicines), anatomical waste, sharps and laboratory wastes (cultures and chemicals used in the diagnosis, provision and treatment of human healthcare) and wastes that are dangerous for carriage. All such waste streams may cause infection or prove hazardous to any person coming into contact with them.
Lot 3.2 - Re-Usable Sharps
Lot 3.3 - Hazardous Waste
Lot 4 - Sanitary and Washroom Services
Lot 5.1 - Commercial/Household Waste and Recycling to include (but is not exclusive to) Offensive Healthcare, Hazardous Non-Healthcare, Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals, Confidential and Miscellaneous Waste
Lot 5.2 - Food Recycling Management Services
Lot 6 - Confidential recycling and waste Destruction and Disposal
Lot 7.1 - Recycling and Waste Minimisation Products: On-Site Bio-digestors
Lot 7.2 - Recycling and Waste Minimisation Products: Aerobic Waste Digestors
Lot 7.3 - Recycling and Waste Minimisation Products: Compactors
Lot 7.4 - Recycling and Waste Minimisation Products: Bins
Lot 8.1 - Sustainable Waste Management Technology: Pyrolysis
Lot 8.2 - Sustainable Waste Management Technology: Aerobic Digestion
Lot 8.3 - Sustainable Waste Management Technology: Oxidation
Lot 8.4 - Sustainable Waste Management Technology: Microwave Solutions
Lot 9 - Total Recycling and Waste Management (TRWM) service to cover all other waste streams
Lot 10. and Lot 10.2 - the requirements detailed in the Location Specific Lots for:
• Lot 10.1 Greater Manchester NHS Trusts for Domestic Waste
• Lot 10.2 Barts NHS Hospital Trust
We are committed to working with suppliers who are dedicated to Sustainability and Social Value and there will be a significant weighting on these elements in the tender.
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