80000000: Education and training services
Detailed information about the contract
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The purpose of this early engagement notice is to notify the market of a forthcoming market engagement event relating to the Department’s wraparound school age childcare programme and the delivery of expanded early years entitlements announced at the 2023 Spring Budget. It is not a call for competition. This PIN is intended to inform the market of an opportunity to help shape the future delivery ahead of a possible procurement. Providers will need to register their interest via the DfE eTendering portal (Jaggaer). Providers can access this system at: https://education.app.jaggaer.com for details of how to register and the terms of free registration. For information: Attendance at the market engagement events is not a pre-requisite for being able to submit a tender against this opportunity. If you are unable to attend the market engagement events, the slides and Q&A outcomes will be made available.
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