85000000: Health and social work services
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On the 25th of March 2021 the Department for Health and Social Care released a policy paper, ‘The best start for life: a vision for the 1,001 critical days’, which sets out the government’s vision for joined up services across early years to support families with young children. Action area 2 was a welcoming hub for families, which focused on the idea of a place parents and carers could access Start for Life services. The report notes every family must feel supported in giving their baby the best start for life, whether they’re together or separated, by setting the foundations for an individual’s cognitive, emotional, and physical development. All parents and carers need to know where to get help and support. A baby-focused place will make families feel welcome and be somewhere they can get the help they need, whenever they need it. This is reflected in the Princess of Wales, ‘Shaping Us’ campaign.
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