85300000: Social work and related services
Detailed information about the contract
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Rough Sleeper Outreach Services for Gloucestershire FYI - The Authority is inviting organisations interested in potentially bidding for this future opportunity to a Consultation Workshop at North Warehouse, Civic Suite, Gloucester Quays, Gloucester on the 24th July 2024 from 2pm-4pm. The intentions for the consultation are: To work on a Theory of Change and consult with key partners, stakeholders and people with lived experience to help develop a specification for the commissioning of Rough Sleeper Outreach Services for Gloucestershire. Key Considerations will be looking at the current specification, what works well, where are the gaps, learning from other areas, feedback from customers and ambitions for the future specification to deliver a service that is fit for purpose both for the more urban centres and rural districts. Please confirm via email to caroline.lucasmouat@gloucester.gov.uk by 22nd July if you plan to attend. Short Description of Requirement Gloucestershire’s Rough Sleeper Outreach and Support Service is commissioned to reduce and respond to rough sleeping and homelessness in the County. The provider shall deliver and coordinate the work of a Rough Sleeper and Outreach Support Service with specialist knowledge of working with homeless individuals across a continuum of support needs, including complex and multiple. The provider is expected to work flexibly and collaboratively as part of the wider Gloucestershire homelessness pathway to prevent and reduce rough sleeping, and respond to changes in local need and circumstances to contribute to the overall goal of eliminating rough sleeping and intervening early to prevent or respond to those who are at risk of rough sleeping.
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