85100000: Health services
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Request For Information (RFI)
Mental Health Support Services - Brighton and Hove / West Sussex
The Commissioners (NHS Sussex and Brighton and Hove City Council) are seeking the views of Mental Health Support Providers in relation to the provision of Mental Health Support Services for Brighton and Hove and West Sussex, to help inform the commissioning approach for these services from 1st October 2025. The Commissioners are considering a contract period of 5 years with an option (of the commissioner) to extend for a period of up to a further 24 months (5+2), this remains subject to further review.
The current service delivers community based mental health services with an aim to provide support to promote well-being, prevent mental ill health by intervening early, and opportunities to pursue meaningful activities and avoid social isolation. These include Mental Health Hubs, Individual Placement Support, Psychosocial services targeting communities of interest, advice lines, support with debt, peer support and aligned services.
These services contribute to the wider ambition set out in Improving Lives Together, the Shared Delivery Plan (SDP) for Sussex, to "help local people to live their lives well by doing more to support [them] to stay well, [and] to look after their own health and wellbeing." People with mental health problems are amongst our most disadvantaged populations, with those with serious mental illness (SMI) experiencing profound health inequalities.
Current services have developed over time and recommissioning offers an opportunity to take stock of what is in place and how best to transform delivery, in a way that maximises the outcomes secured for the investment and drive integrated delivery across pathways of care.
This Request For Information process is designed to help the Commissioner to form a view of the best way to commission the service and is not the beginning of a tender exercise. A tender advertisement may be issued at the appropriate time, if required, should the Commissioner consider that the optimum route to commission the service is through a competitive procurement process.
Your feedback at this point will not have a bearing on any future tender submissions you may wish to offer at a later date, should the Commissioner undertake a procurement for this service. You will not be disadvantaged if you choose not to respond to this RFI but it will be helpful to understand your views at this early stage, so you are encouraged to respond as fully as you can.
Interested providers will be able to view this opportunity via the live opportunities list on the 'Health Family' e-procurement system, Atamis. Click on 'View our Live Opportunities' from the home page, available on the following link: https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome.
Once you have found the opportunity (via the search function, using the title or reference number), to gain full access to the Request For Information (RFI) document, you will need to click on 'Register interest' - this will take you to the log-in page. If you are not already registered on the system, you will need to do so before gaining full access to the documentation and to be able to submit your response through Atamis.
Please complete your response and return via the Atamis eTendering Portal, reference: Mental Health Support Services - Brighton and Hove / West Sussex RFI - NHS Sussex ICB: C294011 by 31st July 2024 at 5pm.
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your insight.
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