85100000: Health services
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Universal screening for human herpes virus type 8 antibodies is to be added to the portfolio of tests required for deceased organ donor characterisation in the UK. Routine testing for all currently required markers will continue to be performed pre-donation, and on an urgent 24/7 basis by a network of 17 UK-wide NHS diagnostic laboratories. Donor samples will be sent by these laboratories by overnight DX delivery to the NHSBT Microbiology Services Laboratory (MSL) in London. MSL will separate samples on arrival, in readiness for transport to the third-party laboratory where HHV-8 testing will be done.
Given the intrinsic requirements of deceased organ donation, this testing is to occur in a centralised laboratory with results required in a clinically relevant and timely manner, as close as possible to the point of donation. Close and seamless liaison between MSL and the third-party laboratory will be essential.
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