85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Sussex ICB is seeking the views of healthcare providers in relation to specialist fertility services. The aim of the assisted conception service is to provide a range of services as specified in the commissioners' Assisted Conception Services for Infertile Patients policy, offering equitable access for patients in the geographical area covered. This is a process designed to help the Commissioner form a view of the best way to commission the service and is not the beginning of a tender exercise. A further tender advertisement will be issued at the appropriate time if required. Feedback at this point will not have a bearing on any tender submissions that respondents may wish to offer at a later date in response to formal calls for tenders. No party will be disadvantaged which chooses not to respond to this RFI but it will be helpful to understand all views at this early stage, so all are encouraged to respond as fully as possible. Please complete this document and return your responses via: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/soepscommissioning/aspx/Home by no later than Friday 12th August at noon.
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