85100000: Health services
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The Targeted Lung Health Check (TLHC) programme commenced in 2019 as part of the NHS Long Term Plan (Jan 2019). The primary aim of the programme is to deliver Lung Health Checks to populations with the highest risk of developing lung cancer in order to identify lung cancer at an earlier stage. The programme is delivered under a National protocol and Quality Assurance Framework which can be found at https://www.england.nhs.uk/publication/targeted-screening-for-lung-cancer/
There are now over 50 areas covered by TLHC programmes, including one in Suffolk and North East Essex (Clacton on Sea), with an ambition that 100% of the eligible population will have access by 2028/29.
The initial phases of the TLHC programme have targeted populations where there are high levels of smoking, deprivation, and poor lung cancer outcomes. In practice this aligns with the Core 20 populations. Checks are offered to patients aged 55-74 who are current or ex-smokers. At the check their risk of Lung cancer is assessed and patients who are at high risk of Lung Cancer are offered a Low Dose CT scan. For clarity the provision of the Low Dose CT scan does not form part of this opportunity.
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