77100000: Agricultural services
Detailed information about the contract
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Please note that this is for Market Engagement only.
Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) (the Authority) are seeking to procure a service for the Provision of Farm Labour Resource to facilitate Carcase Collections on an Affected Premises during an Outbreak or other Incident.
The intention of this requirement is to allow the Authority to access the services of farm labour resource and/or specialised equipment to assist in the removal of carcases following a disease outbreak, or other incident, and the resultant cull, such as from Avian Influenza.
The scope of this contract will require the Contractor to provide a flexible number of personnel within 24-48 hours (depending on requirement) to an Affected Premises (AP) to facilitate the collection and loading of carcases into a bulker for disposal. Other services could include but not limited to, Preliminary cleansing and disinfection, directed by an Authority representative, usually to an onsite case officer. The service will also require the provision of plant and equipment where necessary for the collection and loading of carcases into the disposal receptacle. The Authority will provide pressure washers and disinfectant.
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