85000000: Health and social work services
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East Berkshire children and young people therapy services for East Berkshire - Prior Information Notice
NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board (ICB) is looking to commission a children and young people’s therapy service across the East Berkshire patch.
Frimley ICB is acting as lead commissioner with other commissioners, as a "Partnership”, with the following 3 organisations:
• Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM) Local Authority
• Bracknell Forest Local Authority
• Slough Local Authority
The East Berkshire Children and Young People Therapy Services brings together the health and local authority provision across the therapy services of Speech and Language, Occupational and Physiotherapy.
This is a market engagement exercise. The Partnership is seeking the views of healthcare providers for this service using a market engagement questionnaire. A Draft Specification and Draft Finance Information are available on the Atamis portal, with a questionnaire for interested potential bidders to complete, aimed at obtaining the views of prospective healthcare providers.
This process is being managed by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners.
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