85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Hywel Dda Health Board strives to provide the best support to unpaid carers when the person they care for is in hospital. We aim to identify unpaid carers at the point that the person they care for are admitted to hospital. We do this so that we know who needs to be involved in discharge and transfer planning arrangements. During the autumn of 2023 the Health Board will be re-commissioning third sector services that support this area of work. We would like to hear from carers, patients and partner organisations about your views on what type of support carers might need to inform the development of our service specification. We would be grateful if you can help us inform our work and understand what is most important to unpaid carers. You can be involved by: Attending our stakeholder engagement event in person, on Friday, 11th August, 10:00 – 11:30 am at Glien House, Glien Road, Johnstown. Carmarthen SA31 3RB. Attending our MS Teams online engagement event on Friday, 11th August, 4:00 – 5:00 pm. Sharing your views online by completing this form: https://forms.office.com/e/1FQ61bi6WZ. To register your interest in attending any of the events please email us at CarersTeam.HDD@wales.nhs.uk stating your preferred session as well as your preferred language and further joining instructions will be forwarded to you closer to the date.
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