85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Local authorities are required to make arrangements for everyone eligible aged 40-74 years to be offered an NHS Health Check once every five years, unless they are either prescribed a statin or have a CVD risk score ≥20%. At which point they should exit on to an at-risk register to be recalled annually by their GP.The Authority are seeking to procure a Lead Provider to deliver all elements of the NHS Health Check activity as one contract. https://www.healthcheck.nhs.uk/commissioners-and-providers/national-guidance/https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nhs-health-checks-applying-all-our-health/nhs-health-checks-applying-all-our-healthWe expect your core NHS HC offer to be an online offer for those who are able to self-manage with an appropriate offer for those who are digitally excluded and/or require additional support.Proposed Contract Start Date: 1st April 2024.
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