79600000: Recruitment services
Detailed information about the contract
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Lancashire Renewables Limited (formally Global Renewables) was established in 2010 and operates two flagship waste treatment facilities in Leyland and Thornton; handling household and residual waste (circa 400,000 tonnes p.a.). LRL currently employs circa 180 people. The headcount will increase up to a total of 272 people as the company prepares to undertake additional processing activity in 2025. To support LRL's operation and commencing from April 2024, LRL wishes to have a contract in place with a recruitment agency to provide and support the ongoing requirement for agency workers. LRL currently spends approximately £400-450k per annum on agency staff (based on company payroll information). Currently, LRL typically has 10-15 agency employees on the ground. As part of the soft market testing exercise, we are hoping to review and clarify certain criteria that will help us to create a final tender specification. Typical criteria may include, but not be restricted to, the following topics: • Presenting the industrial nature of LRL's sites and clarity of the working environment • Whether the recruitment agency can provide a physical presence at LRL's sites to support the service, any agency staff on the ground, and moreover a close relationship between the agency and LRL • Typical roles and responsibilities of both the agency and LRL under a contract • Creation of a pool of staff assigned to LRL covering multiple roles • Ability to service each of LRL's two sites or any envisaged difficulties servicing either location • Feasibility and criteria around permanent employment from either an agency worker on the agency's books or a new employee • Contract terms (including duration) and performance metrics. To declare your interest in this project, please read the scoping document and respond to the questionnaire (both located at https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/business/tenders-and-procurement/tenders/) and return your completed questionnaire to James Mynott / Procurement Manager @ LRL / james.mynott@lancashirerenewables.co.uk no later than 1st September 2023. LRL will consider all responses and look to hold engagement sessions with suppliers in September 2023.
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