Market Engagement for Provision of a Children and Young People's Health Inequalities Tier 3 Healthy Weight Management Service on behalf of NHS South West London ICB

85100000: Health services

Contract details

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Market Engagement for Provision of a Children and Young People's Health Inequalities Tier 3 Healthy Weight Management Service on behalf of NHS South West London ICB

NHS South West London Integrated Care Board (ICB) is currently developing their service specification and contracting process for the Provision of a Children and Young People's Health Inequalities Tier 3 Healthy Weight Management Service. This notice intends to identify organisations who would like to express an interest in providing these services and to invite interested parties to attend a virtual Market Engagement Event on 16th August 2023. The service is expected to provide a multicomponent, multidisciplinary Tier 3 healthy weight management service for children and young people (CYP) over the 99.6 centile in weight and / or from a high-risk group. Children in high-risk groups are those from deprived areas, who have a disability or who belong to specific ethnic groups. This offer will be tailored to the needs of each individual CYP and will assess their needs in the context of their lives and families. The service will work from within the community, in settings acceptable to CYP and their families. Aims of the service - • Provide person centred interventions and support for CYP to maintain a healthy weight, improve their physical and emotional health and wellbeing. • Reduce the risk of developing long term conditions and avoid the health inequalities associated with obesity. The Market Engagement Event - The event is being held for prospective bidders to hear more about the proposed service, along with an opportunity for organisations to understand the expected procurement timetable, systems and to identify opportunities to collaborate with other organisations. The event will provide an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on the process. All information for the event will be documented and made available for prospective bidders to view. The event will take place virtually via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 16th August 2023 14:00 - 15:00. If you wish to attend the Market Engagement Event, to be sent a copy of the Draft Service Specification or if you have any questions, please email - if planning to attend the event please provide details of your organisation along with names, job titles and email addresses of all attendees by 5pm on 14th August 2023. This exercise and any subsequent responses are in no way legally binding on any party. Participation in the engagement exercise is not a mandatory requirement for participating in any potential future procurement; however, responses received will assist to inform the Contracting Authority as to the level of interest from the market.

NHS South West London Integrated Care System
Date Published
85100000: Health services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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