Crisis Cafes in West Sussex NHS/SOEPS/22.841 PIN2

85000000: Health and social work services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Crisis Cafes in West Sussex NHS/SOEPS/22.841 PIN2

This notice is to inform the market of the intention to extend current contracts with Richmond Fellowship and West Sussex MIND for the provision of a Crisis Cafe Service for NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board ('the ICB') as follows: • Crawley Crisis Café (Richmond Fellowship): Six months from 01/10/23 for a total value of £141,577 • Worthing Crisis Café (West Sussex MIND): Six months from 01/10/2023 for a total value of £147,013 As a key component of the NHS Long-Term Plan for Mental Health the provision of crisis alternatives and support services, including crisis cafes, are considered an essential alternative to de-escalating or preventing a mental health crisis which would otherwise require attendance at A&E or an in-patient admission. This direct award is necessary to: A) Allow the Sussex-wide review of all existing Staying Well services (of which the Crisis Cafes are included) and the subsequent findings and supporting recommendations to be agreed by the NHS Sussex Executive Board. B) The completion of the Sussex-wide review to ensure equality and consistency of service delivery across the NHS Sussex footprint. The Crisis Cafes are a key component of the mental health crisis and urgent care pathway in West Sussex and it is essential that the existing service continues to support both new and existing service users who experience mental health crisis whilst the Sussex-wide review outcomes are evaluated to determine the future commissioning intentions for NHS Sussex Mental Health Staying Well Services. If you wish to express an interest or should you wish to discuss the content of the PIN further, please do this by sending a message or a completed Expression of Interest via the e-Tendering portal at in the first instance. The deadline for expressions of interest is 12:00pm (midday) on Wednesday 30th August 2023. If no expressions of interest are received, the Authority intends to enter a contract with the incumbent provider relying upon a Regulation 32 exemption of no response/no requests to participate have been submitted in response to this notice, within 30 days of publication. Please note an completed expression of interest form submitted via the e-tendering portal is the only accepted method of expressing an interest (correspondence received by any other route will not be responded to).

NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board
Date Published
85000000: Health and social work services
£288.6K GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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