85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) are hosting 2x virtual information events via Microsoft Teams.
The CYP Programme is committed to improving services that support the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people (CYP) aged 0-19 across Lancashire and South Cumbria and increase access in line with the NHS Long Term Plan.
As a system, partners including NHS organisations, local authorities, education, police, and representatives from the voluntary, community, faith, and social enterprise sector (VCFSE) working alongside children, young people, parents and carers, have designed a new model of delivery based on 'THRIVE' to improve services that support the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people (CYP) aged 0-19 across Lancashire and South Cumbria.
NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB are intending to commission Children and Young People's Mental Health Services. The proposed model incorporates six service specification:
• Direct Delivery as part of the getting help THRIVE offer
• Resilience and Prevention
• Parenting Support
• Peer Support Groups
• Digital
• Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) wish to invite interested parties to the following virtual information events:
Thursday 3rd August 2023 11:00-12:00pm - Mental Health Data Set: This webinar will provide an overview of the Mental Health Services Dataset (MHSDS); outline some of the key tables and fields; and highlight the steps a provider would need to take in order to get setup and submit for the first time.
Wednesday 9th August 2023 11:00-12:00pm - This webinar will provide an overview of the upcoming procurement and provide instructions on how to register on the Atamis Portal to access the information required and to submit a bid.
To book a place on any of the above sessions, please email diane.cockshott@nhs.net.
The Contract Authority is not bound to issue a procurement opportunity following the publication of this notice and the virtual information events.
Should a procurement opportunity result in being tendered following these information events, all interested parties will need to separately register for the procurement opportunity.
Please do not assume that submitting interest for these events will automatically demonstrate your interest for the procurement opportunity yet to be published. You will need to register separately for the procurement opportunity.
The procurement will be advertised in compliance with UK public sector procurement obligations via Find a Tender Service (FTS) and Contracts Finder.
All interested parties will need to separately register for the procurement opportunity when it is has been published.
You will not need to register or attend these events in order to register for the procurement opportunity when it is published.
All information provided at the events will be shared with the final tender documents, when
the procurement opportunity has been published.
Please Note - The contract value has not yet been finalised and approved. The final value of the contract will be shared with the procurement documents when the opportunity to tender has been released. The contract value will not be £1 as stated in this notice.
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