Contract for Managed Service to conduct Care Act reviews for 650 people

85000000: Health and social work services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Contract for Managed Service to conduct Care Act reviews for 650 people

It has been a challenge for all local authorities nationally, to complete the number of annual reviews required and to keep pace with a programme of reviews, at a time when the volume and acuity of need among those from within the community and at point of discharge from hospital, has been exacerbated by COVID infection. Kent County Council Adult Social Care has determined that it will meet this challenge to its statutory duties, by allocating contracts to external agencies to undertake a specified quantity of review activity on its behalf. This work is to be delivered to a standard which is Care Act compliant, and which aligns with the Council’s ambition to support people to maximise their independence in their own homes through an approach which builds on their strengths and which identifies and makes best use of the offer of community support which is available in their locality or which may be commissioned to increase such support in future (i.e. strength based and asset based approaches and practice). We are looking for high quality providers to deliver this work who need to be able to demonstrate successful delivery for other local authorities. We are looking for a hybrid of staff – remote working and an element within Kent to support face to face visits when required. Please express an interest if you can provide this service considering the below criteria and let us know where you recently delivered this type of service, how you would approach the work and the support from Kent that you would require for it to be successful. Our ambition is to procure contracts with two providers with a total of no more than 650 cases at this stage. The cohort will be identified at the point the contracts are let. For the Council to deliver our requirement we require expressions of interest from providers who can deliver this requirement as well as confirm that they have the resources available to complete all contract requirements by no later than 10th December 2021. Completion of the volume of work by the above date will allow the Council the opportunity for a review of outcomes both in terms of the service offer to sustain and support people to live as independently as possible, and to make the most effective use of what can be provided locally to support people’s independence, where that is necessary. It is likely that a phase 2 of the contract will be issued in early 2022. We look forward to hearing from you. Expressions of interest will close at 5pm on Friday 24th September. Please respond via the Messages facility once you have expressed an interest.

Kent County Council
Date Published
85000000: Health and social work services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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