85311300: Welfare services for children and young people
Detailed information about the contract
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Supported Housing and Semi-Independent Living Services for care experienced young people and young people at risk of homelessness (16-25) in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. One of our overarching local priorities is to have sufficient, high-quality semi-independent living (SIL) accommodation, with improved access to local services, family and community networks. The purpose of SIL services is to provide young people aged 16 and over with a supportive home within their local community whilst they build a range of life skills to enable them to make a successful transition to living independently when they feel ready to do so. RECOMMISSION We currently have a block contract for the provision of 135 bedspaces for young people at risk (YPAR) of becoming homeless, sixteen and seventeen-year-old children looked after and care leavers (up to the age of 25). The service is delivered from 15 properties across the borough and consists of high support, low support, and additional flexible support. The current contract expires in April 2025 and we are therefore recommissioning the service. Following an open tender process in September/October 2024, we will be awarding a block contract to a single provider for 3+2+2 years. MARKET ENGAGEMENT Given the strategic importance and high value of this contract, we will be undertaking a comprehensive market engagement exercise prior to launching the tender. We are inviting providers to develop a high-level service proposal which is based on our core requirements and presents innovative solutions to the key issues outlined, and meet with us to present this. This will also be an opportunity for providers to ask their own questions and seek further clarification on the tender process. The ideas presented will help us to refine and finalise the service specification ahead of going out to tender. NEXT STEPS We would like to meet with providers between the 5th and 26th August – please respond to sophie.veitch@lbhf.gov.uk by 5th August to express your interest, request further documentation outlining the requirements, and arrange a meeting.
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