79710000: Security services
Detailed information about the contract
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The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is looking for potential market operators with expertise in delivering a range of Security related procurement projects. The central objective of the market engagement event is to provide a forward plan with Estates, Security and Network Directorate (ESND) on the future planned procurement and commercial activities within ESND and to also gain market insight on the capabilities and capacity across the security category. As part of the market engagement event the Commercial Directorate will provide a market insight questionnaire to enable the Commercial Directorate to analyse the potential areas of interest based on the capabilities and capacities across the security category and sub-category areas for a more specific market facing insightful sessions as part of our pre-procurement planning phases. The FCDO will be holding an on-line Early Market Engagement Event from 13:30 to 14:30 UK Time on Thursday 07 October 2021. For more information on the event and details on how to register for the event, please access the e-sourcing portal at: https://fcdo.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.html Navigate to project 7481; SQ1132 Registration for the Early Market Engagement event closes on Wednesday 06 October at 18:00 UK Time.
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