79411000: General management consultancy services
Detailed information about the contract
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The requirement is for an independent consultancy service who can provide independent reviewers to join an established assurance activity (Network Rail Peer Reviews and other assurance reviews) as part of a team to undertake an in-person review of various projects and programmes in the Network Rail Capital Investment and Delivery Portfolio and / or industrywide challenges. The Independent Reviewers will assist the Rail Investment Centre of Excellence assurance team with ‘Project Reset’ and industrywide reviews for Network Rail. This will help Network Rail to improve the quality of the assurance reviews (including Peer Reviews) and processes to increase confidence with Department for Transport (DfT), His Majesty Treasury (HMT), reduce scheme costs and ensure Value for Money. Suppliers who are interested in tendering for this contract are requested to complete the Expression of Interest form in the link below: https://forms.office.com/Pages/DesignPageV2.aspx?origin=NeoPortalPage&subpage=design&id=4cMswn9dTU--A9WhWMyUCWxW-vQrfhVCsEtb2F2HVmpUMzNXTllKMkRMTkpYRjlQNzVPRkRRRFBUQS4u&topview=Preview
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