48100000: Industry specific software package
Detailed information about the contract
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Prior Information Notice Moat Homes Ltd (Moat) is a leading housing association with over 21,000 homes in the South East of England. For over fifty years, Moat has delivered high quality general needs homes for affordable rent, supported accommodation and tenancy support services and affordable home ownership schemes. Moat is issuing this prior information notice (PIN) to support its understanding of the market interest and to obtain feedback from potential providers. The primary focus is to better understand the market, as well as any perceived risks and opportunities, which will assist with the development of the procurement approach and tender documentation. Moat is seeking views and information in relation to the provision of a caseload management system suitable for rent, service charges and other housing related debt collection. The system must use predictive analytics and support a multi-tenure patch-based approach, and be capable of producing accurate, detailed performance management reports and analytics. Moat requires a system compatible with MIS and Microsoft Dynamics and delivers high data protection standards. Moat is seeking a supplier who will provide excellent post-sales support services, is open to customer feedback and responsive to changes needed to support the working practices of the organisation. Ongoing maintenance and upgrades are imperative and will be taken into consideration as part of the procurement process. Currently, we are looking for organisations that may be interested in this opportunity to identify themselves and express their interest and who may be able to meet with Moat staff to provide further feedback. Interested parties are requested to provide the following information by e-mail to Tenders@Moat.co.uk by no later than 12 noon on Monday, 19th September 2022:
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