85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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This is a Prior Information Notice
NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (AGCSU) on behalf of NHS England (The Commissioner) would like to notify the market of a potential upcoming opportunity to provide the NHS Breast Screening Programme delivery across the West Midlands.
All interested providers are invited to participate in an early market assessment questionnaire.
Please note the deadline for expressions of interest is 12:00PM (Mid-day) on Friday 13th September 2024.
Commissioners would like to invite feedback from the potential market on this proposal of the commissioning of the NHS Breast Screening Programme across the West Midlands. Your feedback will aim to:
a. Provide Market intelligence and viability in this screening area.
b. Ensure market feedback and opportunities are considered in the future plans of the
commissioning of the NHS Breast Screening Programme in the West Midlands.
c. Highlight Market opportunities, risks and challenges.
d. Sought Commissioners understanding of the future contracting and commissioning and
development of the West Midlands Breast Screening Programme.
e. Sought market innovation on potential models of delivery for Breast Screening in the
West Midlands.
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