2023-2024-009: Migrant Rent Deposit Scheme

98000000: Other community, social and personal services

Contract details

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2023-2024-009: Migrant Rent Deposit Scheme

PLEASE NOTE: THE LINKED ITT WILL BE RELEASED ON THE 30/08/2023 - THIS PIN IS BEING USED AS A CALL FOR COMPETITION. Introduction and overview •The refugee rent deposit project will test a new model for providing rental deposits and wider tenancy sustainment support to refugees seeking to enter the UK Private Rented Sector (PRS), through a three-year pilot. •The project will be managed and delivered by a specialist delivery agency, identified at the outset of the project. This agency will be responsible for delivering the project outcomes through an agreed project plan and managing the budget. •The delivery agency will be required to report on the key performance indicators including financials to the project Steering Group, which will comprise of the key funding partners. It will also work with an externally appointed evaluator who will assist in setting up a monitoring and reporting framework, feedback loops and opportunities to identify the best practice, sharing learning and overall impact throughout the duration of the project. 2. The operational model •The main aim of the proposed pilot project is to match refugee households based in England and Wales with custodial rent deposits held by the Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) and provide additional support to assist with tenancy sustainment. •Referrals of refugee households seeking a rental deposit will be made to the delivery agency by third party agencies, including charities, local authorities and others. The delivery agency will assess their suitability for the project on the basis of specified eligibility criteria. Successful applicants will be onboarded to the project and matched with a custodial rent deposit provided by the TDS. The deposit will be held by the TDS for the duration of the tenancy. •At the end of the tenancy, and in the event of a landlord claim against the deposit, the TDS impartial adjudication service will assist with dispute resolution. Funds that are not drawn upon at the end of the tenancy will remain within the TDS to assist further refugee households through the pilot. •The delivery agency will assist refugee tenants to access and sustain their PRS tenancies by providing limited additional support. We anticipate this will include some/all of the following: oA ‘property search’ service to help refugee tenants and/or third party organisations to identify suitable rental properties in the private rented sector. oLinking refugees with specialist / charitable organisations in their local area and / or support for other rental requirements (e.g. rent guarantors). oProviding wider information aimed at refugee tenants regarding their rights and responsibilities in the PRS through appropriate educational materials. oPublicity and outreach aimed at PRS landlords to encourage their participation in the pilot. The delivery agency could liaise with the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) and the Tenancy Deposit Scheme in this. Pilot assumptions will be confirmed in the Tender documents, due to be released 30/08/2023.

Metropolitan Housing Trust Limited
Date Published
98000000: Other community, social and personal services
£300.0K GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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