85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Further to the previous PIN (2021/S 000-020205) regarding this forthcoming procurement opportunity, Essex County Council ("the Council") would like to invite prospective providers to attend a market engagement event on Wednesday 7th September 2022. Please note that this event is due to be conducted online via MS Teams between 14:00 and 16:00. If your organisation would like to attend this event, please e-mail: rachel.horne@essex.gov.uk; confirming the names of your organisation's representatives. Please ensure that you confirm your attendance by 17:00 on Friday 2nd September 2022. During the course of this market engagement event, the Council will present an update on the commissioning intentions following the previous soft market test for this project alongside details of how to engage with the forthcoming procurement and discuss the social value considerations for this service.
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