79633000: Staff development services
Detailed information about the contract
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Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Fire Authority (BMKFA) the Contracting Authority, acting on behalf of Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service (BFRS), employs approximately 500 people at any given time. The staff groups consist of 374 Operational Fire Fighters and 126 Support staff.
All staff access a range of training and development courses and inputs (delivered via e-learning, virtually or face to face). Training and development activity is panned annually with all staff participating in annual Performance Appraisal & Development Process.
Operational staff undertake initial training period followed by a period of development, via an Apprenticeship course. This takes between 18-24 months to complete and involves a number of training elements/learning inputs and work based performance activity. The knowledge, skills and behaviours are assessed to ensure they meet the required standard. Once the programme of learning and performance is complete staff are deemed competent in role. This process is subject to internal and external assurance.
Support staff complete an induction process, and ongoing training and development via the e-learning platform and/or other sources.
These processes utilise a range of paper based files, computer drives, electronic HR systems, electronic Rostering System and Learning Management System. The systems are not integrated. Staff and Line Managers have to use multiple systems to identify, undertake, progress, complete learning, reporting, development and performance which results in a user experience that is disjointed rather than intuitive.
Whilst the Service would prefer one system to effectively manage these integrated learning, training, development and performance functions and processes, we are aware of the complex challenges both financially and technically in realising a single system solution and understand the outcome of the market engagement may indicate this is not possible.
The current Staff Learning Management System (LMS) in Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service provides a cloud-based virtual learning platform, for administration, tracking, monitoring and reporting of development and training programmes.
The system enables the Authority to evidence against fire service standards and a range of qualification on a web-based system with individual logins for each learner.
The LMS is integral in enabling employees to record their operational competencies as well as housing the practical standards they are set against.
The current system provides all staff a platform to:
• Obtain relevant information through training packages, presentations and videos.
• Complete mandatory eLearning packages.
• Maintain operational competencies (MOC).
• Track progress against local and National guidelines.
This Prior Information Notice is to inform the market that BMKFA/BFRS are planning to undertake a procurement process to implement a solution that will meet the aims of the project as per the Problem Statement attached.
The Authority plans to hold a supplier engagement event to present a more detailed overview of our project aims and objectives and to seek industry expertise and feedback to better inform the Authority system review, budget requirements and subsequent procurement process.
The market engagement event is scheduled to take place on 26th September 2023 with two sessions being offered. The first session starting at 09:30 to 12:30 and the second session from 13:30 to 16:30. The session will involve an initial presentation by BFRS for 30-60 minutes, followed by an open Questions and Answers session for the remainder of the slot time, further timings to follow.
In the event that the level of response requires an additional day, further information will be provided offering a second date.
Full details of the event and all associated communications will be managed using the following email contact: Procurement@bucksfire.gov.uk
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