45000000: Construction work
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Following on from the Control Period 7 (CP7) Market Sounding event on the 1st of July 2021, we would like to conduct a further market engagement event to provide an update and obtain market feedback on the proposed procurement strategy for the CP7 Renewals and Minor Enhancements portfolio (Capital Delivery) in Network Rail’s Eastern Region.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION. The purpose of this event is for Network Rail Eastern Region to provide you with additional information about its CP7 objectives and to understand what you require from Network Rail Eastern Region in order for works, services or supplies to be delivered in the most efficient manner. There is no guarantee that any information acquired by Network Rail in this event will play any part whatsoever in any decision by Network Rail on whether or not to procure any particular works, services or supplies. However, the better Network Rail's knowledge of how best to deliver the works, services or supplies, the better Network Rail's decisions on whether, and if so what, to procure will be.
Information within this document remains the property of Network Rail and may be used only for the purpose of informing a response to this market engagement event. By agreeing to participate in this event, you and your organisation also agree to:
• Refer any communications received from third parties regarding the content or participation in this market engagement event to EasternRegionCP7@networkrail.co.uk.
• Not make any public statement in relation to this market engagement without the prior written approval of Network Rail.
If your organisation does not wish to be involved in this market engagement event, please email EasternRegionCP7@networkrail.co.uk and confirm all copies of this document have been destroyed. Non-participation in the market engagement event shall not prevent any supplier from participating in any future procurements.
This market engagement event will take place from 1:00-4.15pm on the 13th of October via MS Teams. The event agenda will comprise of the following:
1) Part 1 MS Teams Live event:
o the updates and CP7 expectations from Eastern Region’s Managing Director, Capital Delivery Director and Route Infrastructure Director.
o informing the market about latest developments of the Eastern Region CP7 procurement proposal, timing plan and obtaining feedback from the supply chain organisations.
2) Part 2 Interactive breakout working groups (through MS Teams) with Network Rail leads: we would like to listen to the supply chain’s feedback following the Part 1 presentations. Please note that only ONE senior management representative per organisation will be required to attend.
3) Post event: a follow up questionnaire will be issued to the attendees to seek additional feedback.
Deadline: please register your interest to Part 1 (the MS Teams Live event) and Part 2 (the interactive workshops) separately by email to EasternRegionCP7@networkrail.co.uk. no later than 23:59 Saturday, the 9th of October 2021.
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