CS1791 Porterage Service (Home Visiting SEND Education Service)

80000000: Education and training services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

CS1791 Porterage Service (Home Visiting SEND Education Service)

Specialist Early Years Portage Home Visiting Service Market Engagement Event Wiltshire Council are seeking a provider to deliver our Portage Home Visiting Service, to improve the individual development, learning and wellbeing of children aged 0-5 years with additional/complex needs living in Wiltshire. The service aims to · Support parent carers to help enable their child(ren) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to realise their potential. · Support children and their families to be included within their mainstream provision within their local community where possible. · Work closely with local authority teams and other organisations supporting early years children and their families to maximise efficiencies and reduce any possible duplication of work. · Work with Wiltshire Council officers and other organisations to help ensure all early year’s staff from settings that seek your support feel confident that they can support a child with SEND to access and enjoy their early years setting. · Empower parents to become independent in supporting their children’s educational, health and social needs. The services will operate term-time only, 38 weeks a year. Wiltshire Council will be holding a provider consultation event for this opportunity on Thursday 14th September between 11am-12 noon via Microsoft Teams. This session will involve a short presentation regarding the project, indicative tender timelines and there will also be opportunity for providers to ask questions. Registering Your Interest: If you are interested in attending the Specialist Early Years Portage Home Visiting Service market engagement event, please email CandF.Commissioning@wiltshire.gov.uk with the following details:

  • Name(s)of attendee(s)
  • Position
  • Name of Organisation
  • Confirmation of contact email address If you are booking on behalf of others, please send the above details for each attendee Please include the following text within the Subject of the email registering your interest: Portage Home Visiting Service: market engagement event Registration for this event will close at 11:00 on Tuesday 12th September. This will be a virtual event conducted via Microsoft Teams. On confirmation of your booking, you will be sent a formal acceptance and joining instructions 24 hours before the event.
Wiltshire Council
Date Published
80000000: Education and training services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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