80000000: Education and training services
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Specialist Early Years Portage Home Visiting Service Market Engagement Event Wiltshire Council are seeking a provider to deliver our Portage Home Visiting Service, to improve the individual development, learning and wellbeing of children aged 0-5 years with additional/complex needs living in Wiltshire. The service aims to · Support parent carers to help enable their child(ren) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to realise their potential. · Support children and their families to be included within their mainstream provision within their local community where possible. · Work closely with local authority teams and other organisations supporting early years children and their families to maximise efficiencies and reduce any possible duplication of work. · Work with Wiltshire Council officers and other organisations to help ensure all early year’s staff from settings that seek your support feel confident that they can support a child with SEND to access and enjoy their early years setting. · Empower parents to become independent in supporting their children’s educational, health and social needs. The services will operate term-time only, 38 weeks a year. Wiltshire Council will be holding a provider consultation event for this opportunity on Thursday 14th September between 11am-12 noon via Microsoft Teams. This session will involve a short presentation regarding the project, indicative tender timelines and there will also be opportunity for providers to ask questions. Registering Your Interest: If you are interested in attending the Specialist Early Years Portage Home Visiting Service market engagement event, please email CandF.Commissioning@wiltshire.gov.uk with the following details:
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