75230000: Justice services
Detailed information about the contract
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The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to: (i) Inform the market of a prospective contract opportunity in connection with the procurement for the Future Witness Service; and (ii) give notice of the MoJ's intention to request feedback that may be relevant to the procurement strategy that may be adopted by the MoJ. The Authority plans to hold a Supplier Event on Friday 8 October 2021. Suppliers interested in attending the event should confirm their interest by 5pm on Monday 4 October 2021 by sending an email to the Future Witness Service commercial team at VW.National.Services@justice.gov.uk. The form of response should be limited to the provision of a single point of contact (full company name, contact name, job title, e-mail address and telephone number). The Authority will then issue invitations to all interested parties, confirming the timings and location of the events. Details of interested parties shall be added to the Authority’s e-sourcing portal, in order to share information.
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