79400000: Business and management consultancy and related services
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Each Local Authority within West Yorkshire has a Year of Culture programme planned between 2023-25 (LEEDS23, Kirklees Year of Music 23, Culturedale24, Wakefield Our Year 24 and Bradford City of Culture 25), and West Yorkshire Combined Authority has invested in each one. However, whilst each Local Authority has a Year of Culture, there is no formal mechanism for skills and knowledge transfer between them – to share learnings and provide a talent escalator for Programmers, Producers, Event Managers, Marcoms, Community Engagement workers and Evaluators. As such, West Yorkshire Combined Authority wishes to engage an organisation to design and deliver a bespoke programme of peer learning and talent escalator sessions between each of the Years of Culture teams. The successful organisation will be required to conduct a needs analysis, training sessions, knowledge sharing and networking as well as evaluations to capture the impact of the programme.
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