HMP Academies - Sector specific skills training linked to employer needs

80500000: Training services

Contract details

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HMP Academies - Sector specific skills training linked to employer needs

The Employability Innovation Fund was announced in the Prisons Strategy White Paper to “enable Governors to work with more employers and training providers to repurpose workshops, deliver sector specific skills training to meet the changing needs of the economy and smooth the path from prison to employment” As a result, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) is now seeking to develop its academy delivery model within prison work and learning environments and is seeking to do so in partnership with more employers to deliver sector specific skills training to meet the changing needs of the economy and smooth the path from prison to employment. We know that having a job to go to on release from prison can significantly reduce the chance of reoffending and employers can benefit from securing committed and skilled people to fill gaps in the UK economy. HMP Academies are workspaces hosted by employers that have a clear emphasis on providing specialist vocational training and offer the prisoners participating in them significant skills development and employment opportunities that can significantly impact reducing re-offending rates. Whilst there are a small number already established in prisons, we want to do much more. To achieve this, we are seeking to procure additional HMP Academies hosted by employers by engaging with a diverse range of businesses from across all sectors that can offer prisoners a second chance. In issuing this Prior Information Notice, the MoJ is seeking to inform the market of this planned procurement with a view to having a virtual market engagement session on 13 October 2022. This will be recorded if you are unable to attend this session.

Ministry of Justice
Date Published
80500000: Training services
£3.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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