DF Dependency and Recovery National

75231240: Probation services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

DF Dependency and Recovery National

The Authority is seeking to procure Dependency and Recovery services for People on Probation within the majority of Probation Regions in England. The competition will be run via the Probation Dynamic Framework with an expected launch date between November 21 and January 2022, and an indicative Contract Award Date of April 2022. A significant proportion of People on Probation have a dependency on legal and illegal substances. The impact of this and associated activities is wide-ranging both for the individual, their families and for society. Substance use disorders often co-occur alongside other mental illnesses, with more than half of people with substance use disorders experiencing mental illness. Frequently, each disorder amplifies the symptoms of the other. Providers will be required to provide a broad range of substance misuse and addiction related support for a range of complex needs. These services should not duplicate existing clinical commissioned services but should enhance an individual's ability to access the clinical services and support them in this need area. Each Probation Region is seeking to procure their services on a different geographical basis which cannot be confirmed at this point in time, further details will be provided to the sector once it is known. Actions required:

  1. Interested bidders should submit Selection Questionnaires in order to be qualified on to the Probation Service Dynamic Framework (PDSF) under service category DF.04 Dependency and Recovery in order to then be invited to bid for these opportunities.
  2. The Authority is also seeking for bidders to respond to a Request for Information (RFI) in order to inform the future content of the ITT and give bidders the ability to submit their views on various aspects of the specification and overall requirement. Bidders who wish to submit an RFI should contact probationDynamicFramework@justice.gov.uk for a copy of the RFI by no later than Friday 15th October 2021 for a submission deadline of Friday 22nd October 2021. The Authority is happy to be contacted by any providers that may be able to provide services to these regions. Please contacts us at ProbationDynamicFramework@justice.gov.uk. Please note, the procurement will be conducted through the PSDF. Only Providers who have submitted a PSDF SQ and qualified onto the PSDF under DF.04 Dependency and Recovery will be invited to bid.
Ministry of Justice
Date Published
75231240: Probation services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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