85000000: Health and social work services
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Hampshire County Council are currently gathering information to inform a future tender for Mental Health Wellbeing Centres. Wellbeing Centres are in the main buildings-based services which are accessible to people with mental health issues in Hampshire (excluding Southampton, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight) and are outcome focused and strengths based in approach. Wellbeing Centres are key in supporting overarching outcomes of: -Independence -Service User choice and control -Early intervention and prevention -Physical Wellbeing -Facilitating a range of diverse and accessible services -Advice and support for carers -Partnership working This prior information notice is to signal an intention to engage with the market using a questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire is to assess levels of interest and to invite views and feedback on the proposed service delivery model. The County Council invites responses from all suitably qualified and experienced organisations. Interested parties can view and submit the questionnaire via the County Council's e-tendering portal In-Tend: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/hampshire/. The questionnaire must be submitted via In-Tend correspondence by no later than 2pm on the 12th November 2021.
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